We're Hiring


Associate Pastor of Music and Youth (Full Time)


Worship Leader (Part Time)

Youth Leader (Part Time)

We are currently accepting resumes for an associate pastor of music and youth. The position is listed as one full time position, but we are willing to split it into two part time positions. When you send your resume, please specify whether you are interested in the full time position or one of the part time positions. Any questions or inquiries can be sent to the email below.

Deep Creek Baptist Church is seeking a full-time associate pastor of worship and youth.  As worship pastor, you will primarily plan and lead worship each Sunday morning.  As youth pastor, you will mainly build relationships with the youth and create opportunities for discipleship. Both of these roles will include leading a team of volunteers to assist and support the ministry. If interested, please send your resume and cover letter to cleve.deepcreek@gmail.com.   

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